Thursday, May 10, 2007

Have you been "chewed out"?

If you're above the age of 3 I’m sure you have. High school football taught me many aspects of life that are critical to success long term and one of the biggest disciplines was how to take a tongue lashing while looking at the person straight in the eye with your face ¼ inch apart and say nothing. What I always thought was funny about this was HE always yelled at you for not responding; I experimented by responding once politely and the aftermath was much worse.

Today, I experienced something new. A WOMAN at another company crossed a professional boundary and verbally tried to kill me. Thank God my parent’s raised me right! I couldn’t believe the rudeness displayed by this “professional” who has been in this business 4 times as long as I have. In the end, I know that she was just threatened because she provided no value to our customer and I did, but how can I try and explain that to her?

What are your experiences? The times when you almost lost it? I’m sure that you are probably reading this blog way after it was published but even still, please respond and let me know!

For now, I will seize the night, because harsh words are spoken during the day.

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